Thursday, November 23, 2006

pre-thanksgiving (11/22/06)

yesterday they started blowing up the balloons for macy's thanksgiving-parade. i went there with ilka and gaby :)

i like sponebob in this position.. he cant move or talk :D
every time the children turn on tv, spongebob is on - it really doesn't matter which time it is! sponebob is on 24/7... :-/


Anonymous said...

mach mal den lieben lustigen saucoolen und superfreshen spongobob net so fertig!!!! tz

Unknown said...

jo der is so fresh, dass meine kiddies schon alle folgen auswendig kennen, weil einfach wirklich rund um die uhr laeuft.. frag mich warum der nich gleich n eigenen sender

Anonymous said...

du hast noch die fähigkeit visionen zu formulieren...

Unknown said...

ok, ich bin besser stil :P