david and ilene took me to a mets game in shea stadium on sunday. it was a great experience! it really wasn't boring at all (like the cyclones games i went to earlier ;) ) i had a great time :)
after a few innings i switched places with david, who has season tickets for a long time now. i got to sit in a box - the fifth row!!! it was just amazing!
i spent my last free weekend in boston. its some time ago but i just hadn't any time earlier to upload the pictures... so there they are :)
saturday was the right weather for whale watching. we had an amazing time... one guy let us listen to his ipod: spice girls, backstreet boys, n'sync usw - it was great being reminded of "the old times" ;) hehe
this guy was crazy... he was crawling through rackets!
sunday was our road trip day :) we had a great time cruising up the north shore! it really felt like vacation while we were walking around in old fishing villages and harbors.
1st stop: prides crossing - a train station with special benches...
2nd stop: manchester-by-the-sea
3rd stop: hammond castle museum
4th stop: gloucester 5th stop: rockport 6th stop: paper house - a house with a newspaper interior...
yesterday i got the nicest compliment ever! an approx. 8 year old boy saw me with naomi and said: "ooooh she's sooo cute! she looks just like you!" :) isn't that a nice one? :P