Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"what you deserve is what you get" - seeed

well don't cry about not being up 2 date, i am really busy traveling ;)
right now i am visiting jule in south beach, miami. hell there's absolutely nothing to do and the heat is so exhausting us, that the only thing thats left is relaxing on the beach... :P
well on saturday i'll be flying out to san francisco for my one week trek tour: san francisco, death valley, yosemite, las vegas, grand canyon and los angeles... don't be mad at me, i'll make up for all the vacation you guys need so badly ;)
on the 23rd i'll be flying back to brooklyn for the last days before returning to germany... so be patient, i'm there soon :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, dann werde ich Dir auch mal einen Gruß hinterlassen, wo ich ein Jahr lang zu Deinen anonymen Tagebuchlesern gehoert habe. Ich hoffe, dass Du einen schoenen Urlaub hattest, morgen geht es ja zurueck zu unserem zweiten Zuhause ;o)

Lieben Gruß aus Kanada
